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<style type="text/css">
#yellbox { width: 160px; text-align: center; }
#yellbox iframe { height: 200px; border: 1px inset; margin: 0px; width: 90%; }
#yellbox input { width: 90%; }
#yellbox button { height: 25px; }
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<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://www.yellbox.com/ybscript.js"></script>
<noscript><p>The British Pound, The Euro and US Dollar <a href="http://www.rateslist.com">exchange rates</a> are key factors. Well-written screenplays and <a href="http://www.imsdb.com">movie scripts</a> can be inspiring pieces of work. How do you make your own <a href="http://www.avatarist.com">avatars</a>? PC <a href="http://www.wallpaperist.com">wallpapers</a> can be resized into other resolutions to fit your desktop. My whole family loves playing <a href="http://www.wiisworld.com">Wii</a> together, it's crazy. Nintendo <a href="http://www.wiisworld.com">3DS</a> coolest handheld ever. I always like to <a href="http://convertpic.com">convert images</a> into JPGs because it's a universally accepted standard. Windows programs can be expensive so download <a href="http://www.software-trials.com">software trials</a> first.</p></noscript>
<iframe name="ybframe" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="http://www.yellbox.com/yellbox.php?name=arisssss"></iframe>
<form action="http://www.yellbox.com/addmessage.php" method="post" target="ybframe" name="yellform" style="margin: 1px;">
<input type="hidden" name="sub_username" value="arisssss" />
<input name="sub_name" value="Name" maxlength="12" onfocus="if(this.value == 'Name')this.value = '';" /><br />
<input name="sub_message" value="Message" maxlength="255" onfocus="if(this.value == 'Message')this.value = '';" /><br />
<button onclick="return clearMessageBox();" style="width: 70%;">Say</button>
<button onclick="makeNewWindow(); return false;" style="width: 20%; border: none; background-color: transparent;"><img src="http://www.yellbox.com/images/smile.gif" alt="Smileys" /></button>
berikut scrip nya
<style type="text/css">
#yellbox { width: 160px; text-align: center; }
#yellbox iframe { height: 200px; border: 1px inset; margin: 0px; width: 90%; }
#yellbox input { width: 90%; }
#yellbox button { height: 25px; }
<div id="yellbox">
<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript" src="http://www.yellbox.com/ybscript.js"></script>
<noscript><p>The British Pound, The Euro and US Dollar <a href="http://www.rateslist.com">exchange rates</a> are key factors. Well-written screenplays and <a href="http://www.imsdb.com">movie scripts</a> can be inspiring pieces of work. How do you make your own <a href="http://www.avatarist.com">avatars</a>? PC <a href="http://www.wallpaperist.com">wallpapers</a> can be resized into other resolutions to fit your desktop. My whole family loves playing <a href="http://www.wiisworld.com">Wii</a> together, it's crazy. Nintendo <a href="http://www.wiisworld.com">3DS</a> coolest handheld ever. I always like to <a href="http://convertpic.com">convert images</a> into JPGs because it's a universally accepted standard. Windows programs can be expensive so download <a href="http://www.software-trials.com">software trials</a> first.</p></noscript>
<iframe name="ybframe" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="http://www.yellbox.com/yellbox.php?name=arisssss"></iframe>
<form action="http://www.yellbox.com/addmessage.php" method="post" target="ybframe" name="yellform" style="margin: 1px;">
<input type="hidden" name="sub_username" value="arisssss" />
<input name="sub_name" value="Name" maxlength="12" onfocus="if(this.value == 'Name')this.value = '';" /><br />
<input name="sub_message" value="Message" maxlength="255" onfocus="if(this.value == 'Message')this.value = '';" /><br />
<button onclick="return clearMessageBox();" style="width: 70%;">Say</button>
<button onclick="makeNewWindow(); return false;" style="width: 20%; border: none; background-color: transparent;"><img src="http://www.yellbox.com/images/smile.gif" alt="Smileys" /></button>
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